Posts tagged 3 Habits
A Steady Spirit | Qualities of Women Who Trust Jesus

A women who trusts Jesus knows her goal is to glorify Him, enjoy His goodness here on earth, and spend eternity in His all-satisfying presence. But in real life, temptation is strong, and even the best of us drift off-course. How do we respond when we’re corrected? What does the Bible say about having a steady spirit that remains faithful to God?

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We Are Steady | Qualities of Women Who Trust Jesus

Near the equator, the earth spins on its axis at about 1,000 miles per hour. It’s as if all the movement happening under our feet symbolizes all the movement happening in our lives. Some days feel overwhelming, like there’s too much shifting and changing for our hearts to possibly feel steady. With all the changes we face, how does God’s word help us become more balanced, steady women?

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Best Example of Confidence EVER | Qualities of Women Who Trust Jesus Series

When self-confidence is low, we tend to doubt our abilities and second-guess our decisions. It’s normal to face shifting life roles and hard circumstances, but can we face them with our confidence in tact? Can confidence be learned? Let’s explore the most compelling example of confidence the Bible and find out if we have what it takes to follow it.

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Completely Provided For | Qualities of Women Who Trust Jesus

Approximately thirty years was all that sat between Jesus’ resurrection and Paul’s letter to the Philippians. So much had changed in the world—and in Paul— within those decades; yet thirty years seems like nothing compared to the centuries between then and now. What did Paul say about God’s provision in his letter and how does it affect you and I today?

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Joy In Trials | Qualities of Women Who Trust Jesus

When trials come, how do we respond? Is it true that trials make us stronger? Life holds a vast array of troubles for us— an endless assortment of heartache, temptation and suffering. Trials of many kinds is how James describes it in the Bible. Like the roots of a tree, joy stabilizes us in the storms of life. What does it look like in real life to face trials with joy?

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Perpetually Secure | Qualities of Women Who Trust Jesus

When it comes to providing security for ourselves and our loved ones in this unpredictable world, there’s a thin line between foresight and fear. Has your careful planning crossed over into compulsion? God’s word powerfully sheds light on this for us and reminds us that it is not ourselves but our unchanging God who secures our safety.

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Where Beauty Comes From | Qualities of Women Who Trust Jesus

Where does beauty come from and how can I get more of it? Here’s the thing. We struggle to feel beautiful because we forget where our beauty comes from. Focusing on outward appearance or searching within ourselves won’t get us very far, but gaining our understanding of the greatness and beauty of God will make all the difference.

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