Balanced + Secure | Qualities of Women Who Trust Jesus
“I keep my eyes always on the Lord. With him at my right hand, I will not be shaken. Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices; my body also will rest secure…” —Psalm 16:8-9
On an Italian stage in 1893, prima ballerina Pierina Legnani successfully executed 32 consecutive fouetté turns. The world marveled at her talent. Any dancer will tell you, whether you’re aiming for one rotation or 32, one technique is absolutely essential: spotting.
Spotting has to do with where a dancer keeps her eyes. In order to maintain balance, she must choose one focal point and stick with it. Expertly, she picks her spot, then whips their head around as fast as possible to keep her eyes on that one location with each rotation of her body.
Only by fixing her eyes on that one single spot is a dancer able to complete multiple rotations with speed, balance and aesthetic precision.
Where we keep our eyes matters.
Much like inexperienced dancers, we often go through life shifting our eyes to whatever is right in front of us until we wobble and crash. But David, the author of Psalm 16, knew that the secret to finding security lay in where we fix our eyes.
“I keep my eyes always on the Lord…”
The Lord. The only unchanging, steady fixture in our lives. When we keep our eyes focused on Him, our thoughts fixed on Him, we remain balanced and upright, but the moment we begin to look to other things, we become disoriented and unsteady.
Think of Peter, who was called to step out of the boat onto rough waters (Matthew 14:22-33). His steps were secure when his focus was on Jesus; only when he shifted his eyes to the storm did he begin to fall. Imagine the fear he must have felt without the ground beneath his feet! Thankfully, Jesus reached out and saved Peter; now we, too, can follow Jesus into wild adventures, totally secure that He’s able to keep us from falling.
“With him at my right hand, I will not be shaken. Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices; my body also will rest secure.”
In reality, the whirlwind of daily life can shake us. But Psalm 16:9 reminds us that the security we experience with God not only makes our hearts glad here and now, but also affects our well-being in eternity. Our bodies will rest secure because the grave has no power to rob us of life (Psalm 16:9-11)!
I’m really excited for my body to rest secure. The effects of sin on our physical bodies will no longer exist in heaven. Can you imagine? No more inflammation or tendonitis. No more headaches or dizziness. No more food allergies or weight gain. It’s set in stone and nothing can change it: we will spend eternity with God, enjoying the perfection, beauty and joy of His presence! Our hearts will be forever content and our bodies forever at peace.
Growing in relationship with God gives us personal security, significance and satisfaction that nothing else can offer. When we fix our eyes always on Him, our steps are balanced and secure.
For Your Journal
Find It:
In this portion of your journal, write out a Bible verse. You can find a verse that fits a current life situation or use the one we used in today’s devotion.
“I keep my eyes always on the Lord. With him at my right hand, I will not be shaken. Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices; my body also will rest secure…” —Psalm 16:8-9
Fix It:
In this portion of your journal, pull out a few key words from the verse you chose above, or summarize the verse in your own words. Write it in pretty lettering or sketch something that will help you visualize the meaning of the verse and fix it in your mind. Repeat these words to yourself throughout the week to remind you of the truth contained in the scripture. Here are some options:
Eyes Up
My body is secure
I will not be shaken
Feel It:
In this portion of your journal, write out a prayer. The goal is to absorb the meaning of the Bible passage and let it take root in your heart. Ask the Lord to let his word change you by the power of his Spirit. Surrender any areas of your life that you are trying to control.
Dear Jesus, thank you that you are unchanging and steady. When I keep my eyes on you, I remain balanced and secure, but it’s so easy to get distracted by the whirlwind of life happening around me. When I focus on the people or the problems in front of me, I start losing my balance and sense of security. Protect me and keep me steady, Lord. Help me to always keep my eyes and my thoughts fixed on your word. Fill me with your Spirit today so I can follow your lead in this crazy dance of life. Amen!