We Are Steady | Qualities of Women Who Trust Jesus

“But this I call to mind,
    and therefore I have hope:
The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases;
    his mercies never come to an end;
they are new every morning;
    great is your faithfulness.”

— Lamentations 3:21-23

Remember how fun it was as a kid to spin around as many times as you could, then try to walk straight?

Most of us know what it’s like to be so dizzy from spinning, that you simply cannot take a single steady step. It’s one thing to remember the physical feeling, but it’s another to experience a similar lack of balance at an emotional level. That’s when it’s no longer fun.

Truthfully, we’re all spinning. Literally. Since the earth is a sphere, the closer you are to the equator, the faster you spin; where I’m sitting in Florida, we’re rotating at approximately 1,000 miles per hour. On top of that, this spinning ball we’re all trying to keep our balance on is also traveling at about 67,000 miles per hour on its orbit around the sun (Urrutia, 2022). At these speeds, it’s a miracle we can function at all!

It’s as if all the movement happening right under our feet symbolizes all the movement happening in our lives. Circumstances change, and it feels overwhelming, like there’s too much shifting and fluxing for our hearts to possibly feel steady.

But all we have to do is wake up early to remember where our steadiness comes from.

With all the spinning and all the rotating, with all the shifting and all the changing, there’s also always the sunrise. Of all the miracles we experience in a day, the steadiness of the sun has to be in the running for most consistent (and most beautiful!).

The sun’s persistent, faithful rising and setting, rising and setting points to the calculated, persistent faithfulness of its Creator.

The same God who establishes your steps (Proverbs 16:9), placed the earth on its path around the steady sun. The earth’s course is so fixed, its distance from the sun is so exact, and its rotations so precise, that scientists are able to calculate, down to the minute, the time that sunrise and sunset will occur each day of the year (McLeod, 2021).

How brilliant of God to design such a vivid picture of steadiness for us to observe and enjoy every single day. Imagine what life would be like if we learned to be as consistent and reliable as the sunrise, as its Creator. Imagine how the people in your life would flourish if you grew in this area— if you became a more consistent, balanced, reliable friend, wife, daughter, employee, or mom.

We’re reminded in Lamentations 3 that God’s steadfast love is reliable in a way that we couldn’t ever be. It never ceases. His mercy and compassion toward us are as consistent as the rays of light that show up right on time over the horizon; they are new every morning.

Life is always in motion.

Circumstances turn out different than we imagine, people change, the future gets unclear, and we become disoriented… but we serve a God who’s love is steadfast through it all. Let’s remember today that we are His daughters— women who trust His faithfulness and find our balance in His steadfast love. We are unmoved by the spinning world beneath our feet because we are His, and He has the power to make us steady.


Mcleod, Jaime. “Not All Sunrises Are Created Equal.” farmersalmanac.com, www.farmersalmanac.com/not-all-sunrises-are-created-equal-11611. Accessed 4 Oct. 2022.

Urrutia, Doris Elin, and Elizabeth Howell. “How Fast Is Earth Moving.” space.com, www.space.com/33527-how-fast-is-earth-moving.html, Future US, Inc., 2022, New York. Accessed 4 Oct. 2022.

For Your Journal

Find It:

In this portion of your journal, write out a Bible verse. You can find a verse that fits a current life situation or use the one we used in today’s devotion.

“But this I call to mind, and therefore I have hope: The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.” — Lamentations 3:21-23

Fix It:

In this portion of your journal, pull out a few key words from the verse you chose above, or summarize the verse in your own words. Write it in pretty lettering or sketch something that will help you visualize the meaning of the verse and fix it in your mind. Repeat these words to yourself throughout the week to remind you of the truth contained in the scripture. Here are some options:

Steadfast Love

Steady me

Feel It:

In this portion of your journal, write out a prayer. The goal is to absorb the meaning of the Bible passage and let it take root in your heart. Ask the Lord to let his word change you by the power of his Spirit so that you begin to feel like the new person you’re becoming in Christ. Surrender any areas of your life that you are trying to control.

Lord, life can leave me feeling off-balance, like things are wobbly and I can’t quite catch my step. Thank you for reminding me of your steady nature. You love in a way that is persistent and reliable. Because of you, the quickly spinning, shifting, changing world around me doesn’t have power to knock me off balance. Because of your faithfulness, I can walk with certainty today, believing that you will steady my heart and use me as an ambassador of your faithfulness in the world. Help me to feel this truth digging deep roots in my heart. I praise you for your constant mercy and compassion. Great is your faithfulness. Amen.