Beautiful Words | Qualities of Women Who Trust Jesus

“How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!” —Romans 10:15

“There was a reason.”

Barely conscious, the fuzzy familiarity of words came into focus. My fertility doctor repeated the phrase until I awoke from the sleep of laparoscopic surgery.

There was a reason.

Those four words washed over my weary heart like spring rain. It was the good news I needed to hear. Before this moment, we had undergone every fertility test in the books only to come up with no answers, no discernible reasons why we couldn’t conceive. This surgery was the last and most invasive effort to detect any potential barriers to fertility. To wake up hearing that the reason for our inability to conceive had been found was cause for rejoicing.

There’s something inexplicably sweet about good news arriving at just the right moment.

“A person finds joy in giving an apt reply— and how good is a timely word!” — Proverbs 15:23

It’s great to be the person receiving good news, but to be the one who gives good news has its own kind of sweetness. This is how Paul describes you and I in Romans 10. He reminds us that we are people who have called on the name of the Lord and have been saved (Romans 10:13). Because of this, we have in our possession restorative, life-changing news for the hurting people in our lives (Romans 10:15).

What exactly is it that you’ve found in your relationship with Jesus?

Have you found forgiveness for past and current sins?

Have you found peace in the middle of a crisis?

Have you found healing from a deep wound?

Have you found freedom from something that held you captive?

Have you found rest from striving?

Have you found security?

A firm foundation to keep you grounded?

Unconditional love?


Then share it! You have no idea how refreshing your words can be for a heavy-hearted friend or loved one.

“How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news” (Romans 10:15)— In this verse, Paul is quoting Isaiah, who is using the culturally relevant imagery of a messenger sent from the battlefield to announce great news of victory to a waiting king. The relief and overwhelming joy that would follow this news mirrors what people experience when the light of the gospel penetrates the darkness of their circumstances.

The word beautiful in this verse alludes to the beauty that comes when vegetation flourishes in season. When we speak timely, refreshing words of gospel-truth to others, not only are they uplifted, but we bloom. We radiate God’s beauty.

This is part of our inheritance in Christ! It’s one of the benefits we experience in belonging to Him. Life-giving, hope-filled words now belong to us. We have experienced the transformative work of God’s Spirit in our hearts—and continue to experience it on an ongoing basis. When we share this testimony with the people in our lives, we are sharing the good news of the gospel. And it’s a beautiful thing!

As women who trust Jesus, we are called to tell to the world around us what He has done— and is continuing to do— in our lives. We are messengers of these beautiful words, this good news, and when we speak them, we are made beautiful.

For Your Journal

Find It:

In this portion of your journal, write out a Bible verse. You can find a verse that fits a current life situation or use the one we used in today’s devotion.

“How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!” —Romans 10:15

Fix It:

In this portion of your journal, pull out a few key words from the verse you chose above, or summarize the verse in your own words. Write it in pretty lettering or sketch something that will help you visualize the meaning of the verse and fix it in your mind. Repeat these words to yourself throughout the week to remind you of the truth contained in the scripture. Here are some options:

How Beautiful

Flourishing Beauty

Who can I speak timely, beautiful, gospel words to today?

Feel It:

In this portion of your journal, write out a prayer. The goal is to absorb the meaning of the Bible passage and let it take root in your heart. Ask the Lord to let his word change you by the power of his Spirit. Surrender any areas of your life that you are trying to control.

Jesus, it’s all too easy for me to forget what you’ve done in my life. The craziness of my days seem to overshadow the good news of the gospel and how much it’s changed me. Help me to remember what you have done and what you are doing in my life so I can share these things with others. May my words to others be led by your Spirit to be timely and fitting for their situations. I want to be a person who speaks faith-filled, beautiful words into the world; empower me to be a messenger of your good news to the hurting people in my life. Amen!