Journal Entry— The Biopsy Is Today
The biopsy was moved up to today.
I can’t get one of my favorite scenes from the movie Aladdin out of my head. The one where Aladdin and Jasmine had just met, they realize they’re being chased and he’s leading her to jump out the window. While she’s looking at him like he’s crazy, he reaches out his hand and asks, “Do you trust me?”
That’s how I feel today. Like naive Jasmine, unaware of the adventure that lay ahead of her. And like you’ve done so many times in my life, Lord, I hear you asking gently, “Do you trust me?” And, of course, I do.
Lord, let it be benign. Let the pain of today’s procedure be bearable. Let the soreness be minimal and the recovery quick. Please heal my cold and this nasty cold sore… I want to feel strong and healthy and ready for what lies ahead.
Give us this day our daily bread.
Grant to us everything we need for today. Strengthen Adam. Fill him with your Spirit and with the peace and fortitude that comes only from your nearness and presence.