We Are Loved | Qualities of Women Who Trust Jesus

Childhood and parenthood are a regular part of life, but have you ever stopped to think that these experiences reflect something bigger? Understanding our personal identity is vastly important for our own mental health and for the impact we have in the world. Explore a foundational piece to your identity as the daughter of God and how it relates to love.

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Best Example of Confidence EVER | Qualities of Women Who Trust Jesus Series

When self-confidence is low, we tend to doubt our abilities and second-guess our decisions. It’s normal to face shifting life roles and hard circumstances, but can we face them with our confidence in tact? Can confidence be learned? Let’s explore the most compelling example of confidence the Bible and find out if we have what it takes to follow it.

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We Are Confident | Qualities of Women Who Trust Jesus

Don’t want to read the Bible? Not motivated to pray? These may be symptoms of a deeper issue that effects your life more than you realize. If you procrastinate to spend time with God, or avoid it altogether, this is for you. Discover how these things are connected to growing in confidence, and become the confident daughter of God you were meant to be.

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A Path Provided | Qualities of Women Who Trust Jesus

Psalm 18 contains beautiful imagery about God’s saving strength. This ancient song highlights God’s ability to sustain us through rough terrain, but there’s another promise in these verses that offers a different type of provision. What is this other way that God works on our behalf? And how is God showing His power in our current life circumstances?

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Completely Provided For | Qualities of Women Who Trust Jesus

Approximately thirty years was all that sat between Jesus’ resurrection and Paul’s letter to the Philippians. So much had changed in the world—and in Paul— within those decades; yet thirty years seems like nothing compared to the centuries between then and now. What did Paul say about God’s provision in his letter and how does it affect you and I today?

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Joy In Trials | Qualities of Women Who Trust Jesus

When trials come, how do we respond? Is it true that trials make us stronger? Life holds a vast array of troubles for us— an endless assortment of heartache, temptation and suffering. Trials of many kinds is how James describes it in the Bible. Like the roots of a tree, joy stabilizes us in the storms of life. What does it look like in real life to face trials with joy?

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