Providing For Others | Qualities of Women Who Trust Jesus

“Our people must learn to devote themselves to doing what is good, in order to provide for urgent needs and not live unproductive lives.” —Titus 3:14

There’s something incredibly special about being part of a community that values generosity. At the beginning of our marriage, Adam and I were part of a small group who met together weekly for years. Group members would come and go, but there was a consistent atmosphere of togetherness, like we weren’t doing life alone. We celebrated each other’s victories and prayed for each other’s needs. Because generosity was woven into the culture of the group, we provided for each other in significant ways— babysitting each other’s kids, making space in our homes for people to live in for months at a time, even purchasing big ticket items. Adam and I were blown away when a couple from our group bought us a reliable car because we needed the transportation and couldn’t afford it for ourselves.

That kind of generosity reminds me of what the early church must have been like. After Jesus rose from the dead and went to be with the Father, he sent His Holy Spirit to empower believers. These new believers, led by the apostles, formed the early church; they lived with a mindset of generous togetherness. Following Jesus’ teachings, they were “one in heart and mind” and shared everything they had with each other so that no one was left in need (Acts 4:32-37).

As modern-day Christians, we rarely think about this heritage of togetherness and generosity our predecessors left to us. This, however, is the context within which Paul penned his letter to Titus, who at the time was leading a group of house churches on the island of Crete. Paul nudged Titus to stay true to the gospel— to combat fake news (a.k.a. false teaching) with the truth of who God is and what He’s done. Paul also takes time in his letter to explain what the life of a true believer will look like.

This new person, the one transformed by the gospel of Jesus Christ, will be dignified, self-controlled, steadfast, and kind. They will mentor others in the way of Christ as they model good works and integrity (Titus 2:1-10). Paul is not focusing on behavior modification by listing these things — he’s focusing on identity transformation. He desires for the Christians in Crete to know who they are and to let their actions follow suit.

At the end of his letter, Paul sums it all up. I wonder if he were talking to us today if it would sound something like this: Listen, Ladies, hold nothing back. Devote your whole lives to doing good works and providing for the needs of others. It’s what Jesus did for us and it’s the best way we can respond to His generosity. Be productive! Fulfill the calling of the gospel on your life by generously providing for others.

Every one of us will do this differently, this lifestyle of generosity. But every single one of us is called to it, in whatever capacity we have to give. Maybe you can’t afford to buy your friend a car, but you can give of your time, your listening ear and your compassion. We have been abundantly provided for, and by God’s grace, we can provide for others in return.

For Your Journal

Find It:

In this portion of your journal, write out a Bible verse. You can find a verse that fits a current life situation or use the one we used in today’s devotion.

“Our people must learn to devote themselves to doing what is good, in order to provide for urgent needs and not live unproductive lives.” —Titus 3:14

Fix It:

In this portion of your journal, pull out a few key words from the verse you chose above, or summarize the verse in your own words. Write it in pretty lettering or sketch something that will help you visualize the meaning of the verse and fix it in your mind. Repeat these words to yourself throughout the week to remind you of the truth contained in the scripture. Here are some options:

Provide for others

DEVOTE Yourself

Feel It:

In this portion of your journal, write out a prayer. The goal is to absorb the meaning of the Bible passage and let it take root in your heart. Ask the Lord to let his word change you by the power of his Spirit so that you begin to feel like the new person you’re becoming in Christ. Surrender any areas of your life that you are trying to control.

Dear Lord, thank you for being a good provider. Please help me to follow your example so I can live a life of generosity. Open my eyes to the urgent needs all around me. Give me compassion to care about the needs of others, and give me the resources to alleviate their pain. Forgive me for being so focused on myself that I don’t recognize it when I have the power to help someone in need. Give me the desire to devote myself to good works— to provide for others and spend my life being productive for the sake of the gospel. Amen.