What Does It Mean to UNForget?

The word REMEMBER is significant for me. Years ago, when we were walking through a prolonged season of infertility, I had felt that I was forgotten. That my prayers were unheard. That I was without hope.

Then one weekend, we attended a small retreat, and tucked into the welcome packet was a small bookmark that held a familiar word: REMEMBER.

Chills went down my spine. It was a message in a bottle surfacing in my ocean of despair.

“Remember my love for you. Remember that my plans are good. Remember that I stick to my word.”

Years have passed and God has proven faithful. Sometimes the word “remember” seems like it’s not strong enough, maybe because it’s the same word for when I’m just trying to remember a password or where I left my keys. When it comes to remembering the goodness of God, I like to use Unforget.

To Unforget is to remember just the right truth at just the right moment. To bring to mind who God is and what he’s said when your heart starts to lose hope. It’s the mental discipline of pausing negative self-talk and connecting God’s word to the moment we’re in right now.

What do you need to Unforget today?