The rhythm of remembering —

When you reflect on your life, you may notice rhythms of failure and victory, discouragement and hope, forgetting and UNforgetting. Our lives carry a common thread: the process of learning how to remember, how to bring to mind what we’ve previously learned in the moment we need it.

The truth is that we will always be forgetful. We will forget to value our loved ones as we should and we will forget to respond to hardships with strength and hope. But here at Forgetful and Fierce, we embrace the reality of our FORGETFUL nature and meet it with a FIERCE determination to remember Truth.

the art of unforgetting —

To grow in the Art of Unforgetting takes purpose. It takes a desire to stop letting forgetfulness call the shots. It takes a commitment to create habits of remembering truth. And It’s worth the effort because YOU matter. Your life has a unique imprint on the world and your people need you. When you discover how to overcome discouragement by remembering the truth of scripture, your life will naturally impact others in greater ways. So, what are you waiting for?!