remember your purpose
In varying degrees, the past couple of years have forced us to pause. Since the pandemic, many of us are home more than ever. Stripped down, my daily routines were simpler for while. Quieter.
Hopefully the decrease in noise has given you room to reflect like it has for me. How ironic that a global crisis clouded by uncertainty would have a stabilizing affect for us! As we lean into those moments of reflection, that’s exactly what will happen. When we stop to ponder life, refocus our priorities, and remember our purpose, we are grounded.
So, what IS your purpose? What is it that fuels you and gives your life meaning? Open your heart and let 3 basic truths from God’s word bring clarity:
1. You were made by design, not by accident.
If you were living and breathing as a result of cosmic matter that joined together by accident to spark life, then your purpose would be pretty hazy. The Bible tells us, however, that life did not originate by accident. In the beginning, God created life (Genesis 1-3). Not just that, but he did so in an orderly, organized fashion. With that same intentionality and thought, he “knit” you together at conception (Psalm 139:13-16). Your personality, your body, your strengths, weaknesses, dislikes and passions have been uniquely woven together to make you who you are so you can do the work he’s designed for you to do (Ephesians 2:10).
2. You were made to showcase God, not yourself.
This one is a little harder to swallow because of our natural bent toward self. Remember being young and feeling like everyone was looking at you? That mentality follows us into adulthood: we think everything is about us! We buck against the fact that all things actually revolve around God. But there’s an exhilarating freedom that comes when we let go of self-promotion. Your heart was created to thrive when you point to God’s greatness (Psalm 115:1). Let your words and actions be guided by a motivation to showcase God instead of draw attention to you (1 Corinthians 6:19-20, Romans 11:36).
3. You were made for the big picture, not for insignificance.
God is writing a story: an epic with themes of beauty and love, evil and heartache, redemption and victory. We see these in the large narrative of human history and on a smaller scale in our daily lives. With 7.7 billion people on the planet, your role in his story may seem small, but it is far from trivial. Masterfully, God uses your life to affect the lives of others in ways that impact the big picture. The role you play is crucial! We see this to be true all throughout scripture where God invites people to participate in the work he’s doing. Losing sight of this truth opens the door for discouragement and despair, but don’t lose heart! Remember the significance of your life; accept your role with confidence and believe that God’s plans for you are making a difference in his story.
“the lord will fulfill his purpose for me; the steadfast love of the lord endures forever.” —Psalm 138:8